banking crisis

303 days ago

Video: Lawlessness and the Real Causes of the Banking Crisis (which is far from over)

Banking expert John Titus comes up with some hard truths. Folks do not accept the real reasons for a banking crisis that is far from over.


353 days ago

Video: 2023 Could be as Bad as 2008 for a banking crisis

Economist and Wealth Advisor Jonathan Davis believes that we could be repeating the 2008 banking crisis. He says that central bankers make incorrect statements about the future and have their own agendas often connected to politics and that the Fed is surrounded by incapable academics and often behind the curve.


388 days ago

Video: More Turmoil to Come in the Banking Sector

Writers Lee Adler and Bob Coleman warn that the banking crisis is not yet over.


409 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: could the US regional banks implode & why hasn't Sharon White been sacked by John Lewis?

I start with a discussion on share buybacks, then turn to the woes of John Lewis and finally look at the US regionals with the charts below wondering whether the banking crisis could, notwithstanding UBS buying Credit Suisse, roll on.


415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Virgin Wines will surely wither and die - another IPO disgrace from 2021

In today’s podcast I look at Credit Suisse and the banking crisis, bitcoin, gold, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Online Blockchain (OBC), Mode Global (MODE), Okyo Pharma (OKYO), Virgin Wines (WINO) and Versarien (VRS) in light of the bombshell here earlier today.


612 days ago

Video: The current system is close to collapse, a banking crisis is imminent

This will be music to the ears of Nigel Somerville. Alasdair Macleod predicts that the world is going to hell in a hand cart within months and that we should all buy gold as a result. But then, asd the Head of Research for GoldMoney, this has been his message for a while.


1368 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Piss Poor Daily Telegraph predicts a roaring twenties...this is why it's totally wrong

I start with how Boris is wrecking the UK economy. I truly despair. Then I discuss the daft comparison with the years that followed Spanish flu. I then move onto the growing banking crisis. Finally, I discuss the idea that industries will change 100% to avoid human contact. I explain why this is not the case with reference to an industry I know well, investor shows. The maths does not stack up and most humans, though not me natch, are social creatures. There is a lot of hot money betting on the world changing completely. It will not.


1379 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: how to value a near zero revenue Green Zeitgeist play like AFC and will a banking crisis sink the Alison Rose?

AFC Energy (AFC) is the debate of the day and I start with a few thoughts on the problems of valuation. I end with another zeitgeist theme – the self-entitlement of the public sector and where that leaves we wealth creators. In my case, it is thanking God that retirement is not that far away!. In between, I ponder whether we will have a full blown banking crisis to dethrone folks like Alison Rose, the virtue signalling poltroon running NatWest, and other top banksters.


1407 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Breaking - Elecosoft threatens legals, a sure sign to sell

After yesterday’s bombshell I understand Elecosoft (ELCO) has threatened legals. This, as I explain, is a sure fire sell signal. I discuss Intu (INTU) – ouzo time for me – and the forthcoming banking crisis ahead of which Metro Bank (MTRO) is one sure fire short. And I look at Tomco (TOM) urging it to come clean on its true financial position.


1494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 5 signs that a banking crisis is on the way

Some of you fell for my April Fool - wow! thanks for the messages of congratulation! In yesterday’s bearcast I argued that banks had to abandon paying dividends pro tem. Now under pressure they have agreed to do so. I now give you five little or big case studies showing why a banking crisis is inevitable. Then I look at Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), where I am a very excited and supportive shareholder but think the chairman must be fired after today’s news, Bidstack (BIDS), Plutus Powergen (PPG) and the associated POS companies and Westminster Group (WSG) where repellent slug and ex Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy shows again why he is the unacceptable face of capitalism.


3007 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Happy Birthday Bearfacts: The next banking crisis looms

A bonus bearcast and a birthday request answered - how big will the next banking crisis be and are we about to suffer it? I offer up a few thoughts in this additional podcast.
